Monday, March 4, 2019

Google Tour Builder - Black Death Migration

 After listening to Midterm episode #4 of the Shukes and Giff podcast today (#FakeKimAndKelly), I was inspired to try Google's Tour Builder.

I created a tour walking students through the migration of the Black Death during the Middle Ages. The tour doesn't include every location that was affected (as the map would be full!) but it does follow the first case of the plague through the decline of the plague.

In order for others to view the tour, according to Kim Randall and Kelly Kermode, guests on the podcast and authors of Bring the World to Your Classroom: Using Google Geo Tools, the tour must be downloaded as a .kmz file, uploaded to Google Drive, and shared via Drive.

If you want to check out my Black Death tour, feel free to follow the link to my tour, make a copy, and import it into Google Tour Builder. (Here is a link to preview the tour.)

One thing that I wish I could do in building the tour is creating branching paths. Google Tour Builder is in Beta, so it's possible that branching paths could be a possibility in the future, but it would be perfect for the spread of the Black Death. The plague didn't follow a linear path but branched out from place to place.


  1. Amazing! I love the idea of upping the linking feature to show an epidemic spread instead of a linear one!

  2. hi there, could you please explain how to open the KMZ file in tour builder? I would love to see how it works but l can't figure out how to import :) thank you
