Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Shake Up Learning: Ch. 10: Connect and Share

I am active on Twitter and I sometimes use Facebook. I also blog about my educational reflections on Blogger. My Twitter is used solely for educational purposes. My Facebook is personal, and much of it is private. I only post what I would be happy to share with my family, parents, students, students’ parents, etc. I make sure to keep personal information private, such as my address. I have used SnapChat in the past, but I no longer have a smart phone and as a result, I have stopped using SnapChat. Next school year I want to have a hashtag for each class and have students post to the hashtag. They can post things they’ve learned (like starters or exit slips), projects they are proud of, links to their portfolios that they will be putting together on Google Sites or Blogger, etc.

In general, I want my students to know that they have a voice that they can share with not just their friends and family, but with the world. In my very rural community, many students don't believe that they can have an impact on the world. I want them to see how far their influence can reach, and reaching out on social media in an appropriate way is the first step.

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