Thursday, August 16, 2018

Quizlet Ambassador

Recently I was accepted to be a Quizlet Ambassador!

I attended the Quizlet Unconference earlier in the summer, and it was such a valuable experience.

I learned a lot about the different opportunities that Quizlet allows for students to work on learning course material.

I will be (eventually) blogging about these various opportunities in upcoming blog posts.

Here is a brainstormed list:

  • Learn
  • Quizlet Live
    • What is it?
    • How does it help students?
    • What are the different variations/games?
  • Integration with Pear Deck
  • Study Sets
    • How to create them
    • Activities for students to create their own
      • Individually
      • Small groups
  • Diagrams
  • Accessibility
    • Text to speech
    • Different languages
  • Match
  • Gravity
  • Write
  • Test
  • Spell
  • Adding images to flashcards
  • Study tips using Quizlet

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Hive Summit - Matt Miller - Ditch that Textbook

Hive Summit - Michael Matera - Explore Like a Pirate

Hive Summit - Sarah Thomas - Connect

Hive Summit - Joe Sanfelippo - Leadership

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Hive Summit - Tara Martin - Be Real

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Hive Summit - Rick Wormeli - Reflection on Grading Practices

Friday, August 3, 2018

Hive Summit - Carrie Baughcum - SketchNoting

HiveSummit - Michael Cohen - Creativity

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Quizlet Unconference 2018

I've been doing a lot of professional development in the past few weeks. I was hoping not to get burned out, and the Quizlet Unconference has re-energized me! I didn't realize all of the cool things that Quizlet could do. I thought it was just another flashcard website, but there are seriously so many options.

Here are some of the awesome things that you can do with this robust and interactive website.

Interactive Diagram Library

1. Create interactive diagrams

This is really awesome. You can upload a diagram and then choose "points" to add information. Students can look at the diagram and practice studying by filling in the blanks and hovering over the "points" to check their answers. Click here to check out a library of interactive diagrams.

Major Battles of the American Revolution, by aqonline

2. Match Game

This game is a lot of fun! It is a timed game where students have to match the terms to their definitions. It also keeps track of student progress in the form of a leaderboard, so there is a competition aspect as well!

Major Battles of the
American Revolution
by aqonline

Constitution, by victor_massian

3. Learn

This part of the website allows students to put in the date of an upcoming assessment (their goal) and reminds the student to study over the course of time between the creation of the list and the date of the test/quiz. What a great way to encourage students to keep track of their goals and remember to study instead of cramming the night before!

Constitution by victor_massian

4. Time Saving

Quizlet also provides so many ways to save you time. I won't be listing them all here, but here are two of my favorites:

You can import vocabulary lists from other platforms, like Word, Google Docs, Sheets, or any other word processor. The process takes seconds and is so easy!

You can combine existing vocabulary lists into a brand new list. This is excellent for classes that have final exams. You can combine the lists together and students can make a copy of the list and delete words that they know well. This will allow them to customize their list and study the words on which they need the most practice!

I'm excited about the possibilities of Quizlet (a completely FREE website) and I'm looking forward to digging deeper over the course of the school year!

Cue Craft #DitchSummit 2018

I learned so much from the Cue Craft Ditch Summit! Click here to check out my takeaways.